Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coupons Coupons Coupons!

Hi ladies (and possibly a few interested gents). :) This is Meredith typing, so this post might sound a little different from the rest. I'd like to fill you in on the coupon class we participated in on Thursday, April 7th.

Beth with the FRC had mentioned to Jaime that the FRC was hosting a financial help seminar. Through conversations, they realized that couponing would be a perfect fit for this educational series. Malorie and I taught a coupon class several months ago, so Jaime asked if we'd be interested. We, of course, said yes! We both love couponing and love to share it with as many people as possible!

So we showed up Thursday with 4 bags full of coupons, a powerpoint, and the desire to share this with people who really needed and wanted to learn about ways to save money. Summer and Morgan both came to help and support, and we ended up with a crowd of around 15.

Everybody was so open and welcoming. It was super easy (well, for me-haha) to get up and talk to these wonderful people. Several of them couponed a little bit already, so we got lots of feedback and questions. They were all excited about the idea of couponing and thanked us many times for showing them how to do it.

Everybody who coupons does so for their own reasons. I started couponing simply because baby stuff is expensive. Now, it's my way of helping my family financially so that I may some day get to stay at home more with my son. No matter what the reason, it's ultimately to save money. We could all use a little extra money I'm sure! But this wonderful group of people doesn't need the extra money for a new car or fancy clothes. They're looking for ways to save money so they can have a place to live and food to eat. I'm sure I speak for the other girls who were there as well, but this was a very gratifying experience. I feel like we really helped them, and I pray that they are able to take the things they learned and use them in their everyday lives.

I want to say a special thank you to Beth and all those who helped with this. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing work!

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