Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Facebook Group

Not all negative has to come from Facebook, and we have proof! The GBG has its own Facebook Group page and it is already pouring in with prayer requests.

If you would like to be put in our GBG prayer group on Facebook, just let us know! Or if you have someone you'd like for us all to pray for...let us know that as well.

Meredith came up with a wonderful idea to reach out to those on our prayer list. We'll be making rounds to those in the hospital, those who need help at home, or those who just need a shoulder. Keep us in your prayers as we fill our hearts with love and hope for those who need it the most right now.

God love, and God bless!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

thoughts from us

We wanted to record our thoughts from each meeting. These words and thoughts are from the ladies of the first meeting.

"The first gathering of the GBG brought a lot of hope and comfort to me. I feel like there is so much good that is going to come from the GBG! As women, we have a lot coming at us each day and a lot of negativity that can bring us down. I’m excited by the fact that we now have a group of women coming together in Christ to share our struggles and joys with! As women, we unfortunately have the reputation of being unfaithful to one another through gossip, jealousy, insecurities, etc. But I’m proud to be a part of a group that is ready to be the exception, and ready to show the world what true Christian women look like! I pray for strength in our group and each and every one of us because nothing is going to frustrate Satan more than a group of Christian women coming together in prayer, worship, charity, and fellowship. He’s going to throw whatever he’s got at us to make us fail whether it is putting nay sayers in our path, trying to hinder us from making it to class, or bringing negativity to our group. Luckily, our God is much bigger than he is! We have started a wonderful journey together ladies! I pray that our group continues to grow in numbers along with spiritually! I can’t wait to see how the Lord brings us together and uses us in the future! Onward Christian Soldiers ;)"
-Leah Beth

"What I got from our very first GBG mtg...INSPIRATION! It's such an awesome feeling to look around a room and see beautiful women with such big hearts & readiness to grow in their faith & relationship with God. It's inspiring to know even above all that, we have an urgency to spread his love/light to others. God bless our sweet little group!!"
Jaime Nollner

"Last night I really wanted to take in as much as I could. I have been needing and wanting to be a part of a bible study for awhile now. So happy the Lord put all you sweet girls in my life. I know together with God first we will do great things. So, I guess out of everything last night what hit me the hardest is I need to stop and put God first! Take time out of my day for him. Also it was a great feeling to know all the ladies sitting around the table were just like me. Wife, mom, friend, etc. and you all struggle daily with the same things I do. I know the Lord has great things in-store for us! Thanks so much for inviting me Jamie!!"
Allison Cox

"Monday night was a nice reminder of the fact that every single minute counts in our walk with God. It's easy to let life get in the way, but we need to continue to pursue our relationship with Him every minute of every day. There is no greater task!"
Kellie Kegley

"Our first GBG was a discussion on relationships. We discussed how having a relationship with God and having faith in Him can improve all other relationships. As I was sitting there listening I couldn't help but think how awesome this group of girls I was sitting with was and how excited I am to start relationships with some of these girls and to strengthen relationships with others. "
Doralyn Lidell

"I was blessed to have so many amazing girlfriends, but I had no idea the plan he had in store for all of us. I am very thankful he guided me to start this group and to have the girlfriends to be so supportive and involved. Monday night helped me to remember where my husband and I need to stand in life as putting God first, and showing our little boy to do the same. I am also so eager to get out and help anyone we can! I pray God will lead us right to his other children who need a helping hand."
Jaime Forrest

Our First Meeting

Monday night we had our first meeting! It was phenomenal, exactly what we had wanted it to be.

We met at Highland Heights COC, and Peep (Tammy--but everyone calls her 'Peep') was our guest devotional speaker. She talked about marriage, relationships, and how important it is to have a relationship with God and to look for someone who has that also. It touched all of us, and for those who aren't married yet it reminded them whats most important to be looking for in a man.

We also had Megan McDonald, the owner of The Paint Pail in Carthage, TN come and bring her painting supplies. We all painted a cross. Everyone did an amazing job and we all put our own colors, words, and-or favorite Bible verses on them. A BIG thanks to Megan for being a part of our Bible group and helping us paint a beautiful picture!

We had such a wonderful group of ladies. Its amazing just after one meeting how much the GBG means to everyone. A big point about this group is it is "our" group...anyone can come, anyone can give ideas, anyone can let their voices be heard for thoughts and discussions.

The next meeting is already scheduled and the rsvp's keep growing, including the same girls...and new faces! God is so good!!!!

Here are some photos from Monday nights meeting :)

Snack time and Devo time!

Marci, Dora, Hannah, and Jackie :)

Heather, Libby, Kellie, Meredith, Allison, and Julia :)

Megan watching Peep as she gives her devo :)

It was freezing in that room!!

Bobbie Jo's finished painting!!

Jamie's painting!

Jaime and Peep's finished paintings :)

Julia's painting :)

It was cold, so Bobbie Jo wore gloves on her feet. Thanks for the laugh!

Peep and Jaime swapping roles! haha

Everyones finished work. Good job ladies!

Thank you Megan! :)

We had a total of 18 people attend our first meeting.

We are all busy, we all have families or kids or stressful jobs or needy husbands (haha)...but we still are making time to better our lives by coming together to study! What a blessing it is for this to happen to our lives.

Our next meeting is in February--more info to follow :)

welcome welcome!

This blog is completely for the ladies of the GBG! We are excited to come together to study from the Bible and go out into our community and do so much for others.

Here you will find info about what we're planning, when we're meeting, where we're going, and even prayer requests. If you are in our area and would like info about meeting with us, please feel free to leave us a comment. If you're not close by, we will always be thankful and appreciative for your prayers and encouragement during our journey!

Our town of Lebanon may seem small...but the hearts of these wonderful women are full of love and the will to give! These women have all come together to better their lives, and the lives of others.

Matthew 7:12
"So whatever you wish others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."